December 1968: Winter

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December 1968: Winter

Using spruce and gas can metal, Dick made most of his winter gear including a sled, snow shovel, ice chisel and crampons. In December fifty years ago he is putting them to the test and making adjustments.

December 1, 1968: Overcast and a stiff breeze down the lake, 24°. I tied on my ice creepers and headed down the ice pushing my sled.

I loaded up and headed back. Quite some difference going against the wind instead of down wind. One gust pulled me to a stand still. Without my ice creepers I couldn’t have made it. 12:30 when I reached the cabin.

[Photo taken by Dick Proenneke]

December 7, 1968: Clear, calm and a -38°. I broke my ice chisel handle down near the chisel end and so this would be a day to rebuild it and dream up an improvement. Now I think that I have it. I augered a 5/8” hole about 5” deep in the end of the handle. Then with the rip saw I split it up the center of the hole for about two feet – wedged the two halves apart at the end and mortised out a slot for the head on the chisel shank – mixed a batch of glue and saw dust – coated the inside of the two halves and also the groove & slot for the chisel. I laid the chisel in and nailed the two halves together – sawed two slots around the end and put on two wire clamps. Give it a day or two to dry and see how it works.

December 14, 1968: Fog this morning, calm and a -6°.  I took a walk down the lake to test an improvement on my ice creepers. They work much better now.

December 16, 1968: Overcast, a good breeze up the lake and 4°. No day to travel – I would improve my snow shovel. Two metal brackets to stiffen the lower end and relocate and glue as well as nail the handles. A better shovel now I am sure.                             [Photo taken by Dick Proenneke]

[Photo taken by Dick Proenneke]
